Xiongqi Ding is a PhD student at the Necker-Enfants Malades Institute. He has worked at team Francisella tularensis & Staphylococcus aureus since Sep, 2019. He comes from China and got a master’s degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Now he studies the adaptation mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus in chronic infections. His PhD thesis is within host adaptation mechanisms of S. aureus during chronic diseases, the main objective of this project is to decipher the mechanisms that drive the adaptation of S. aureus when submitted to strong selective pressure in vivo, using Cystic Fibrosis (CF) lungs as a model.

Last News of the Lab

New commers in the Lab
01/10/2024. We are delighted to welcome three new members: Lison Reboul for a thesis with Emmanuelle Bille on phage biologyRomina ...

Performance of clinical metagenomics in France: a prospective observational study
11/12/2023. Performance of clinical metagenomics in France: a prospective observational studyJacques Fourgeaud et al. Lancet Microbe 2023 Background Metagenomic next-generation ...

Airway environment promote Staphylococcus aureus chronic lifestyle
11/12/2023. Airway environment drives the selection of quorum sensing mutants and promote Staphylococcus aureus chronic lifestyleXiongqi Ding et al. Nat Commun 2023 ...

Congratulation to Morgane Wuckelt and Elif UYAR
24/07/2023 .Morgane Wuckelt and Elif Uyar have been awarded a PhD Track Grant from BioSPC. We are all very proud ...